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Using Facebook Live To Grow A Business

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Pssst... Did you know that Facebook Live is a great way to not only raise your brand awareness, but also get quality client leads to grow your business? Yeap, you read that right. In fact, every show I host brings my boutique agency at least one client lead ― organically!

But hold up, isn't Facebook Live just a tactic? Exactly, and that's why you absolutely need a strategy and a clear business objective behind it in order for it to work ― even if that means going live only twice a month.

That's why Chrys Tan, the founder of Chrys Media and expert on online conferences for entrepreneurs, and I sat down to chat about Facebook organic reach strategy with live video. The Organic Traffic Conference kicks off in May, so here's a sneak peek of what's in store!



The reason why live video works for business is because of the promotional strategy behind it ― generating buzz before the event is important. In fact, creating a Facebook event page is one of the best ways to do it. 

Incorporate actions that let you take advantage of the notifications and push the Facebook algorithm to do the promotion for you! Go all out with a complete event description covering what attendees will learn and make sure to invite your guest to be a co-host of that page so you can piggy back off of their audience.


Okay, so you already have your Facebook event page set up. Now what? Pre-promotion doesn't stop there just yet ― create a scheduled broadcast through a third-party platform.

That link will be your Holy Grail. You can share it everywhere ― on social media, in your newsletter, give it to your guest and have them share it, etc.

Want to use Facebook Messenger bots to invite people? Go for it! Make the promotional plan your own and add/subtract channels and tools to find what works for you.


During the broadcast, you are asking people where they're watching from, comments are popping up, views are triggering the algorithm ― all still organic. Now the event is over, but there's still work to be done to make the most out of your broadcast and grow your business.

  • Optimize your Facebook live video: update the pre-selected by Facebook thumbnail that is usually not the most flattering, add captions (using my YouTube hack from the video above), and go back and re-engage with audience.
  • Respond to comments from your broadcast: answer the most important and specific ones first (preferably the day of). Leave the other ones for a day-two later ― they are not high priority, but spacing out your answers will insert your video back into the newsfeed.
  • Go back to your Facebook event: post the link to a blog post recap with a transcript on the page and re-engage your audience. You can also re-market your previous event pages to this already segmented audience in case you have guests from the same niche to this already segmented audience.

Hold your audience's hand throughout the entire process and your live video promotional plan is sure to help your business grow!

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